CCE 411
An Insider's Guide to Cedar Creek Elementary
Commonly asked questions
about the every-day at CCE!
- Drop-Off - If you are driving your children to school, you may drop off in the single file drop off lane through the parking lot. Please wait in your car to drop off; the car line is staffed with teachers and Dads' Club Volunteers who will help your child out of the car at the school sidewalk and crosswalk areas. Parents may not get out of the car. If you'd like to help your child into school, you must park in the lot or across the street in one of the neighborhoods and walk your child at the crosswalks as directed by our staff and volunteers. Please respect our parking lot rules, they are for the safety of our children.
- Reserved Spots and Lots - There are two reserved parking spots in the main parking lot area. Those spots are ALWAYS ONLY for the family on the placard. Those may not be used at anytime. The reserved lot in front is for reserved staff parking and may be used only by the staff assigned to them.
- Front Circle Etiquette - The front circle is the bus lane and all cars must clear out for buses. No one can enter the bus lane at drop off until all buses have arrived and completed drop off. No one may be in that lane during end of day pick up. Do not enter the bus lane after 2:30. During the school day it can be used as a 15 minute loading and unloading zone for parents dropping off or picking up students. If you are visiting the school for lunch, a volunteer opportunity or a meeting, please park in the parking lot.
- Visiting the School - All campus doors are locked. All visitors must enter through the front office entry. You must ring the doorbell and announce the reason for your visit. Once accepted, the door will release open and you will enter into the front office. There is a sign-in kiosk on the right side of the desk for you to obtain a visitor's badge if you are there for a meeting, volunteer shift or lunch. When dropping off items that have been left at home, please email your child's teacher and all items need to be labeled with name, grade and teacher. There is no visiting classrooms unless you are there for a specific volunteer opportunity or school meeting.
- Early Release - Early Release days, set by the district, allow teachers and staff time for professional development, department planning and collaboration. School ends three hours early at 11:50 am, and buses run exactly three hours earlier as well.
- FIT - Focused Instructional Time (FIT) helps target students’ individual needs based on assessments. Students receive this focused instruction time daily. In addition to getting the extra instruction they need in specific areas, this is a good way for students to get to know other teachers and children in their grade.
- Library - Students visit the library on a classroom schedule that your teacher will share with you. Student backpacks are a perfect place to keep library books when they are not reading them. If your child loses a library book, you will receive a email notification. Once the book is returned, the student may check out books. If a book is lost at the end of the school year the family must either pay a fee to the Library.
- Lost and Found - Found items are organized and stored in the cafeteria. If a name is on item, student council will attempt to return it to your student, so label everything you can. Glasses and other valuables are kept at the front desk. You are welcome to search the lost and found after checking in at the front desk during an appropriate time.
- Lunch - Parents, grandparents and caregivers are invited to attend lunch in the cafeteria. It is a fun time to be with your child and meet friends in his/her class. You may want to bring them a special lunch or just pop in to say hello. All visitors must check in at the office upon arrival and check out at the office upon departure.
- Friday Morning Assembly - Assembly is time to come together as a community of learners in the cafeteria every Friday morning. We have special announcements, flag pledges, awards and performances. Parents are always invited to attend and it is a great opportunity to get a glimpse into what is going on at CCE.
- Music - Our amazing music teachers provide an awesome curriculum for all grades. There are a few grade-specific events that are a highlight at CCE, including the Spring Musical, Veterans Day Assembly, 5th Grade Fall Musical and other performances that will be announced throughout the year.
- PE - CCE kids are very active in PE! They do everything from gymnastics to climbing the rock wall. Please have you kiddo wear appropriate clothing, including comfortable shorts or pants, a comfortable shirt and athletic shoes. Please no crocs, sandals, boots, roller shoes or flip-flops. Students participate in Jump Rope for Heart beginning in 3rd grade. Fitness testing is conducted annually beginning in 3rd grade, as required by the state.
- Pick Up - Pickup begins at 2:45 pm for Kindergarten. All other students are released by grade at 2:50 pm. It is recommended that you park and walk up to CCE or wait in the one carpool line in the parking lot in the afternoon. The line is long and forms early. This is a single file line and the parking lot has an entrance and exit only policy. Pickup is a busy time; please keep your children with you at all times. Pets are not allowed at pickup.
- Recess - Grades K–1 have a first and second recess. Grades 2–5 have one recess on the playground.
- Specials - Specials in the CCE curriculum refers to Art, Music and PE. Students rotate every third day. Remember to wear appropriate clothing and tennis shoes on PE days.
- Transportation - Please make all changes to your child’s transportation by 1:50 pm using the online SMART tag system. After 1:50 pm, you will be unable to make changes. Please do not email teachers regarding transportation changes; they will not reply. If your child’s daily dismissal information is incorrect, please contact the main office.
- Appointments - If your student missed school or was checked out early for a doctor's appointment, please turn in a doctor's note so it can be properly documented. To sign your child out of school, you need to fill out a form in the office, and the office staff will call your child out of class.
- Attendance - If your child will be absent from school for any reason, please enter this as a dismissal change in the SMART tag system prior to or on the absence date by 10 am. If you are not able to enter the absence before or on the absence date, please email the office regarding the absence.
- Illness - If your child is contagious (strep, flu, pink eye, lice, etc.), please email the school nurse, Sherry Bulluck, at All names will be kept confidential, but this helps to keep us all aware and healthy. If your child is unable to participate in PE due to illness or injury, please email the PE Teachers, Coach Davis ( and Tricia Pate (, and Nurse Bulluck.
- SMART Tag - Eanes ISD has implemented the Secured Mobility Authorized Ridership Technology (SMART) tag program to streamline student transportation. This program has a Campus Dismissal Module to coordinate campus dismissal preferences electronically. Make ALL changes to your child’s transportation schedule on the SMART tag website by 1:30 pm on the day of the change. You can plan ahead and make transportation, tardy and absent changes in advance as well. You can make a reoccurring transportation change (for example - community ed classes) easily as well. Access this site using the “Quick Links” tab on the school website CCE website), or directly at SmartTag. For questions regarding the SMART tag system, Please see the information page on the EISD website.
- Tardy - The first bell rings at 7:35 am. The second bell rings at 7:40 am. Students arriving after the second bell must enter through the front doors. All other doors will be locked. Tardy students must enter through the office and your child will receive a Tardy Slip to be given to their teacher. Students receive a Tardy Slip even if the Tardy is “excused” due to a doctor appointment.
- Travel - If your child will miss school due to family travel for more than three days, there is an “EISD Family Travel Advance Notification Form” that can be picked up in the front office and submitted back to the office at least five days prior to travel. Travel is not considered an excused absence. Prior to your travel, be sure to mark your child's absence in the SmartTag system or you will get a call from the district that your child is not in school.
- Birthdays - Student birthdays are announced during morning announcements on the day of their birthday. Birthday treats are not permitted in the classroom. Some parents choose to bring a special lunch to their child on his/her birthday. New to CCE this year, is the Birthday Marque! CCBC is putting the new full-color digital marque out front on the circle drive to good use, and Birthday Shout-Outs are available for purchase! Please click here for more info : Birthday Marque
- SEL - This is Social Emotional Learning. Each month, our school focuses on a different character trait that helps us to be better citizens. Examples are perseverance, integrity, caring and compassion, healthy choices, and conservation. Children caught exhibiting the current month’s life skill will be recognized in announcements and/or assembly.
- Enrichment - EISD offers great enrichment courses for students, many of which are held at CCE after school. To explore course offerings, go to Quick Links and select Community Education or click here. Offerings include everything from Golf in Schools to Little Vet School to Cooking!
- PE Parties - Parents can host their child’s birthday party after school in the CCE gym! The PE teacher Coach Davis lead the kids in games and activities of their choice. You simply provide the cake and party favors to enjoy afterwards in the courtyard! These parties are very popular and fill up quickly, so email Coach early regarding date availability.
- Booster Club - The CCBC provides financial and volunteer resources, including educational programs, teacher development, supplies and memorable events, which significantly enhance the experience of our students, staff and families. All parents are encouraged to contribute to Booster Club, both financially and by volunteering. Booster fundraises twice per school year, once during No Hassle and once during our Spring Auction Party. Ticketed Events are priced to help cover the cost of the event, with donations being used to cover the remaining expenses. Enrichment Event funding comes from donations made during the two fundraising events of the year.
- Membership Toolkit - This is the Booster Club website. On this site, CCE families can register for events, purchase spirit wear, purchase school supplies, access the online directory, sign up for volunteer opportunities and donate to the Booster Club. All new families need to register on the website.
- EEF - Eanes Education Foundation (EEF) is the fundraising arm of Eanes ISD with the primary purpose of funding teacher and staff positions on every campus in our district. Your donation to EEF does not directly stay within Cedar Creek.
- Fundraising - There is often confusion between EEF and Booster Club. In short, CCBC (Cedar Creek Booster Club) donations stay at our school to enhance the educational experience at our campus. EEF donations benefit the entire district as a whole, and funds necessary teachers and staff for our district that the state does not deem necessary like nurses, librarians and more. We hope all Eanes families choose to generously support both very important causes.
- Morning Coffee and Community Chats -Stay Tuned for more info. Make sure you are signed up for CCBC Newsletters to stay up-to-date on all things happening at CCE! new or better... it's fabulous. Please try to join us for a quick cup of Joe - And BYOM, bring your own mug!
- Monthly Booster Club Friday Meetings - Stay Tuned for more info. Make sure you are signed up for CCBC Newsletters to stay up-to-date on all things happening at CCE!
- Skyward - This is an Eanes ISD district-wide website where families register with the district, review report cards, locate bus routes and make payments to food service accounts. Skyward can be accessed through the “Quick Links” tab or here.